Simply delete the migrated model and use the backup model file that you created during the migration process. 只需要简单地删除迁移了的模型并且利用在迁移过程中您所创建的备份模型文件。
Additionally, you need to specify the location ( filename of the model file). 另外,需要指定位置(模型文件的文件名)。
Create diagrams that are composed of geometric shapes or ad-hoc UML elements that reside in the Software Architecture Document model file. 创建由软件架构文档模型文件中的几何图形或者ad-hoc元素所组成的图。
The size of the model file is reduced because the fragmented elements are split into the fragment file instead of remaining as part of the model file. 模型文件的规模会降低,因为片段的元素会分解为片段文件,而不是继续作为模型文件的一部分。
The name of the backup copy uses the name of the specified model file followed by_backup. 备份的名字在指定的模型文件后面加了backup。
From the Physical Data Model File page, accept the default value for the data design project, specify ARCH_JKENT_HR_changes for the name for the physical model, and specify the database type. 在PhysicalDataModelFile页面上,接受数据设计项目的默认值,指定CMERDADemoHRchanges作为物理模型的名称,然后指定数据库类型。
The model file is in MDL format. 模型文件采用的是MDL格式。
This scenario simulates two users editing the same source-controlled Model file in Software Architect using ClearCase Remote Client for Eclipse. 此场景模拟了两个用户使用ClearCaseRemoteClientforEclipse编辑同一个在SoftwareArchitect中的源码控制模型文件。
In the above function model file, there are a few things to note 在上面的函数模型文件中,有几点需要注意
To generate the EMF plug-ins from the EMF model file, do the following 要从模型文件生成EMF插件,请执行以下操作
If you do not use a path-map, then the system will store a file path ( relative, if possible) in the model file where the profile is applied. 如果不使用路径映射,那么这个系统将在这个概要文件应用位置的模型文件中存储一个文件路径(如果可能的话)。
In the pop-up dialog that appears, name the model file 在弹出对话框中将这个模型文件命名为
It is saved in the same location as the specified model file. 它和指定的模型文件保存在同一地方。
Once you have defined a custom model file, it can be used for index creation. 定义了定制模型文件之后,就可以在创建索引时使用它。
The document model parameter specified at index creation time specifies the root element in the model file. 在创建索引时指定的文档模型参数指定模型文件的根元素。
Before you can run the transformation, you will need to create a transformation parameters model file, and then apply those parameters to the UML model. 在您运行这个转换之前,您需要创建一个转换参数模型文件并且把这些参数应用于这个UML模型。
This technique will work well if the architecture document model file is to be distributed to readers along with the other model files. 如果架构文档模型文件同其他的模型文件一并被分发到读者的话,这一技术将会很好的发挥作用。
From the Logical Data Model File page, accept the defaults for the data design project for the logical model, and for the name of the logical model. 在LogicalDataModelFile页面上,接受用于逻辑模型的默认数据设计项目和逻辑模型的默认名称。
Note that the include and library paths for the Matlab_inv libraries are specified relative to the model file. 请注意,Matlabinv库的包含路径和库路径是相对于模型文件进行指定的。
If a model file is very large, fragmentation can also prevent collisions at the file level. 如果模型文件非常大,片段也可以防止文件层次上的冲突。
The Code Model Importer makes a backup copy of the specified UML (. emx) code model file for a C# project. CodeModelImporter为C项目制作了一个指定的UML(.emx)代码模型文件备份。
Moreover, a model file supports also the use of wildcards() in the specification of locations. 另外,模型文件还支持在指定位置时使用通配符。
For example, if the specified model file name is Model. emx, then the backup copy will be called Model_backup.emx. 例如,如果指定模型文件的名字是Model.emx,那么备份的名字就是Modelbackup.emx。
First, we noted that the file RSD produces(?. emx) is called the model file. 首先,我们注意到,文件RSD产生(?.emx)称为modelfile(模型文件)。
All you need to know is that it's a model file that contains settings for the code that will be generated and that the wizard will create the genmodel from the mapping model. 您所需要了解的是它是一个包含将被产生的代码设置的模型文件,并且这个向导将会从这个映射模型中创建genmodel。
You must merge any conflicts before you can save the merged model file in the configuration management system. 您必须在保存合并模型文件到配置管理系统中之前就解决所有的冲突。
We make our content provider react to changes in the model by allowing it to listen for changes in the model file resource ( the Ecore file in our case). 我们让内容提供程序响应模型中的更改的方法是,允许其侦听模型文件资源中的更改(本例中指的是Ecore文件)。
As part of the AUTOSAR standard, a model file format has been defined based around a set of persistence rules linked to the meta-model. 作为AUTOSAR标准的一部分,模型文件格式是基于一组联系到元模型的持久规则而定义的。
A report model file that describes data structures and how they relate. 用来描述数据结构以及它们之间如何关联的报表模型文件。
If the data source view changes, the model file needs to be published again in order to reflect these changes in report builder. 如果数据源视图发生变化,则需要重新发布模型文件以便在报表生成器中体现这些更改。